About Media Fest

Media Fest is an event hosted by the Communication, Culture, & Technology (CCT) program, showcasing interactive and multimedia projects by Georgetown Graduate students. This year, we are happy to announce that we will be hosting our event in-person on Apr 29, 2022 at the Car Barn rooftop. 

Community Building

Media Fest attendees gather for a performance

The unprecedented times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic made communication with each other and our community difficult. While things are getting better and connecting with each other is getting easier, we wonder how you are building back your network and community. 

We invite you to tell us your story with a project. Think outside of the box. Show us what community building means to you! 

For those who think that you don’t have a perfect project to match with the term “community building,” please keep in mind that any  project, whose purpose is to share, connect, and boost a common interest or goal to help others, is great to showcase at Media Fest. 

Submit your work by March 31st, get feedback from your peers and faculty members, and improve your project/idea. 

In order to be eligible to present the project on April 29, a draft of the project must be submitted by March 31, 2021.

Featured Projects


Jailin Chen

The Art of Street Photography

Grant Lattanzi

Colors, Shapes, and Symbols:

A Graphic Design Analysis of Saul Bass' Film Posters

Chutong Wang

Joseph Gurr

Design & illustration of Oliver Barrett

Mengge Li

Sex Education in China

Shuying Liu

Girl power remix Into the New World

Yinghui Wang

Ukiyo-e in Modern Society

Zonghua Zhou

Submit a Draft of Your Project or Idea

March 31, 2022

Send us a brief description of your project or idea. Projects do not need to be completed at this stage and we welcome projects at any stage of the creation process.

Receive Feedback from Professors & Peers

April 7, 2022

Faculty sponsors and the Media Fest Team will provide feedback on your project. You can use this input to gain new perspectives and improve your project.

Showcase Your Project at Media Fest!

April 29, 2022

Show off your hard work and creativity! You will have the option to give a presentation or engage with your peers in a more informal exhibition of your project.

Have Questions?

Please email us at mediafest@georgetown.edu or talk to one of our team members! We are happy to answer questions about potential projects and the event.