Joseph Hammett | Music video with original visuals and music
Description of project, from presenter:
The definition of connection has really changed to me in the post-CoVid world we are living in. Whether it be over Zoom or socially distanced, we are finding new ways to connect with others (and to ourselves) through forms of expression and communication. For my proposal I will be creating a music video (directed, filmed, and edited by myself) using original music I have written, composed, and sung. The idea of creating the video by myself is one that definitely displays the ways in which connection is changing due to the pandemic. Normally I would have at least a few friends able to take part in my music video processes. However, just because I am making the video alone does not remove the sense of connection through sharing the process and final product with others. The lyrics of the song will be focused on resilience in this transition period of history we are living in, and what it means to connect with others (whether that be through art, through ideology, over the internet, etc). I think digitization is an important part of connection in our lives today, and so digital elements will either be subliminally or very openly a part of this project (both in content itself and the creation process).